Meet Anderson.

Anderson Clayton is an organizer by trade who has committed herself to building strong Democratic communities in North Carolina.

A longtime volunteer, staffer, and party official, she became chair of the Person County Democrats at a crisis point for the party. Within two years, Anderson led Person County to flip the Roxboro City Council and flip a seat in the NC House—one of just two red-to-blue flips in the House in '22.

Anderson is running for party chair because she knows that local organizing is the foundation that supports our party up and down the ballot, and she will fight for what works.


We need to chart a new path forward for NCDP. Anderson has a plan to put us back on track and keep leadership accessible and accountable.


With so much on the line, we need someone who will speak up for us even when the stakes are high—and someone who will tell us the truth, even when it's difficult.


The successes and failures of our party have real-world consequences. We need someone who will lead with compassion, not just for us, but for everyone.

As chair, I’ll fight for what we know works.

That starts with direct investment in local organizing with a year-round, staff-supported program. We’ll rebuild our bench with state-level support for local government candidate recruitment and retention efforts. We’ll prioritize local messaging for local issues to build winning coalitions with unaffiliated voters. We can break the cycle of Democratic decline, and when we do, we can deliver for Democrats from the school board to the Senate.

We're with Anderson.

A plan for the future.

North Carolina has a lot to prepare for—partisan redistricting and the rise of extremist Republican candidates being only part of it.

We need the guidance of someone who knows exactly what's at stake in our elections and who is willing to fight for every community.

Anderson is centering a commitment to year-round community organizing in her plan for NCDP. If we want to win, it starts here, with investments in our grassroots.

Stay in touch with Anderson online.

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Get ready for the SEC Meeting.
How do I vote for chair?
A letter from Anderson.

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