Anderson Clayton with a microphone pointing at something behind her.

Anderson Clayton is fighting for a Democratic Party
that believes in us.

Meet Anderson.

Anderson Clayton is an organizer by trade, a proud rural North Carolinian, and the current Chair of the North Carolina Democratic Party. After winning election (and becoming the youngest state party chair in the country) in 2023, she has spent the last two years working to build a better, more responsive NC Democratic Party.

Under Anderson’s tenure, the NCDP has invested in year-round, local organizing; recruiting and supporting candidates who understand that good politicians are good public servants first; and building the infrastructure to win back Democratic power in NC within the next decade.

Now, Anderson is running for re-election to build on that work and keeping fighting for a Democratic Party that believes in all of us.

Anderson Clayton in a blue dress on the porch of the NC Democratic Party headquarters.

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